Family resources for new standards/assessments
Families are key in student preparedness. New standards (Hawaii Common Core) and assessments (Smarter Balanced) are creating shifts in the classroom that involve more dynamic, evidence- and technology-based learning than what classes used to look like a generation ago. We encourage families to dig in to these resources to help students be ready to learn.
Resource Websites:
Resource Websites:
- The Homework Help Desk: Have a question about your child’s homework? This site has aggregated frequently asked questions by grade and by subject. You can read more about a specific concept or watch a quick video that explains it in more detail. If your question isn’t answered below or you want to dig deeper, try asking a specific question to one of the trained teachers via live chat.
- Hawaii's Parent Teacher Student Association produced a "Parenting Resources" section on their website to help parents guide their children to success in school. Includes breakouts for the Common Core and information to boost parental involvement in helpful ways.
- Parent roadmaps, grades K-8: Provides guidance to parents about what their children will be learning and how they can support that learning. Provides three-year snapshots showing how selected standards progress from year-to-year.
- Military Connected Families: The Military Child Education Coalition has come out strongly in support of the Common Core. For these families who are often on the move, standards provide greater clarity and predictability of student learning, regardless of zip code. MCEC has provided a handout for military-connected families to help orient them to the standards, and offer tips on preparing their children and ways to get involved.